Corsica Summer School on Biomembranes
What |
When |
08.06.2009 09:00
to 19.06.2009 08:00 |
Where | Cargèse, Corsica, France |
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I'd like to direct your attention to the forthcoming FEBS-EMBO joint
lecture course on Molecular and Cellular Membrane Biology. This course
will be held in June 2009 in Cargese on the island of Corsica. The course
is featuring lectures, tutorials, poster sessions and workshops on various
aspects of membranology such as: membrane lipid functions, membrane
protein synthesis and sorting, folding and targeting, transmembrane
transport etc.
Places on the course are open preferentially to senior Ph.D. students and
postdoctoral fellows. A number of travel grants are available.
Further details and application forms can be found at the following website: